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Amazon Smart Watch

Harshu467's github profile

Amazon Smart Watch Website with features of Heart-Rate and Live Time with different colors available.


Soumya2411's github profile

An app hor helping students to visualise programming concepts

Multi Stack Games

srujana-16's github profile

This repository contains games built using different tech stacks: web development with html, css, and javascript, and terminal games in Python.

Weather App

coderhersh's github profile

Weather web app made with reactjs JS and tailwindcss which fetches API from OpenWeatherMap based on the location entered in the search box.

Pocket Planner: A expense and budget tracker

ratishjain12's github profile

An expense and budget tracker app is a mobile application designed to help users manage their personal finances.

Razorpay Clone

Jranii's github profile

It is a cloned frontend design of original Razorpay payment gateway.

Portfolio Website

ChiragAgg5k's github profile

A single page portfolio website with a minimalistic design and emphasis on animations.


pavitrachavda97's github profile

This is a simple and entertaining game where your task is to hit the moles as they randomly pop up from their holes. The objective is to score as many points as possible

Netflix Landing Page Clone

kartikjoshi267's github profile

This is a Netflix Landing Page Clone

Pizza Delivery Web App

vaibhav-xt's github profile

Full Stack Pizza Delivery Application